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Baby Boy Rice | Beach Maternity

July 7, 2018

My Sweet Boy,

Today I photographed a wedding with your Auntie Becca. We do this quite often now. It’s fun, fulfilling, and very rewarding for us. But this one was different. . . and I didn’t know just how so until that very moment. When it hit me. The moment the song began, the lights softened, and the crowd silenced. The groom, smiling from ear to ear, escorted his mother to the dance floor. It was time for the mother-son dance. This was the very first wedding that we had photographed since learning of you. And just like that, my heart started beating faster. My eyes got blurry with tears, and I took a deep breath and smiled down at you. 25 weeks into this world and so very loved already. My boy. 

My boy, I have so many dreams for you already. I am already praying for you and your future wife. I pray that on your Special Day you are filled with grace, humility, and love. I pray that you treat your future wife with compassion, kindness, and selflessness. I pray that you learn the work ethic of your daddy, the value of respect in every aspect of life, and the art of determination. I pray that you will be happy and grateful for what you’ll be blessed with. I pray that you live each and every day to the fullest. I pray that you are joyful and full of life and laughter. But most of all, I pray that you feel God’s unending love each and every step of the way. That you find the courage and perseverance to persist through life’s most trying moments. As I sit here now, several hours later, on July 7, 2018, with your tiny little feet kicking me from inside the womb, I pray all of these things for you, my sweet boy.

I loved you yesterday, love you still. Always have, and always will.


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